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The Beard Transplant are indicated for covering scars, correcting flaws and increasing aesthetic density. We use the FUE method of extracting the follicles individually, which can be removed from the posterior and lateral regions of the head, thorax, chest or beard.

The follicles are implanted one by one, using the Implanter, respecting the individual characteristics, such as facial metrics, capillary density, angulation and insertion direction, mimicking nature.

Beard transplant surgery can last from 4h to 6h, and soon after the patient returns to his home. The procedure is practically painless and the post-operative recovery is very smooth. Return to work occurs after 48 hours, as long as it does not require too much physical effort .


During the healing period, usually up to the 15th day, some care is needed regarding hygiene and handling of the recipient area. After this period, it is normal for the transplanted hairs to fall and regrow in the 3rd to 4th months gradually and progressively. The final result is permanent and will occur after 12 to 14 months.

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