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Common questions


1- Is it necessary to stop working for a long time to have a hair transplant?


No. The recovery period is very fast, and in two days it is already possible to go back at professional activities as long as there is not too much physical effort.


2 - Does the hair transplant have a minimum age to be done?


Preferably after baldness stabilizes. However, after 18 years of age, studying the history of baldness in the family, we can predict how far it can go and choose the best surgical planning.


3 - Does the hair transplant have definite durability or does it need to be done again?


Hair transplantation is permanent, as the grafts are extracted from a region where there is no genetic code for baldness.


4- Can you straighten or dye your hair after hair transplant?


Yes, after the healing period and the beginning of the new hair growth phase.

5 - Will the hair after the transplant grow naturally?


Yes, it grows naturally but the transplanted hair has a different cycle. The transplanted hair can fall between the first to the third month, and from the fourth month the growth cycle of the new strands begins gradually and gradually until the twelfth to the fourteenth month in which we will obtain the final result.


6 - Can the hair transplant be done with someone else's hair?


No. The hair transplant is done only with the person's own hair.

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